showing 30 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downward
Gryphon Quicksilva1984labelimageminimize
Captain Kidd (Capt'n Kidd;Fizz Bomb) Bug-Byte (MC Lothlorien)1985labelimageminimize
Finders Keepers Mastertronic1985labelimageminimize
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future Virgin Games (Gang of Five)1986labelimageminimize
Fungus Players1986labelimageminimize
N.O.M.A.D. (Nemesis Organization Mobile Attack Droid;Nomad) Ocean1986labelimageminimize
Action Force Virgin Games (Gang of Five)1987labelimageminimize
Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior (Death Sword) Palace Software1987labelimagesubject
Clever & Smart (Mortadelo y Filemon) Magic Bytes;Micro Partner1987labelimageminimize
Gauntlet II U.S. Gold;Mindscape (Gremlin Graphics)1987labelimagesubject
Gauntlet: The Deeper Dungeons U.S. Gold (Gremlin Graphics)1987labelimageminimize
Greyfell: The Legend of Norman Starlight1987labelimageminimize
Street Gang Rainbow Arts;Players (Time Warp)1987labelimageminimize
Thanatos Durell1987labelimageminimize
Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax (Axe of Rage;Conal II) Palace Software1988labelimagesubject
Lazer Tag (Lazertag) Go! (Probe Software)1988labelimageminimize
Pink Panther Gremlin Graphics;Magic Bytes (Magic Bytes)1988labelimageminimize
Rambo III Ocean1988labelimageminimize
Savage Firebird (Probe Software)1988labelimageminimize
SDI (Strategic Defence Initiative;S.D.I. - Now the Odds are Even) Activision1988labelimageminimize
Space Racer Loriciels1988labelimageminimize
Stormbringer (Storm Bringer) Mastertronic1988labelimagesubject
The Munsters Again Again (Tiger Developments)1988labelimageminimize
Tiger Road Go! (Probe Software)1988labelimageminimize
BMX Freestyle (Freestyle BMX Simulator;BMX Freestyle Simulator) Codemasters1989labelimageminimize
HATE: Hostile All Terrain Encounter (H.A.T.E.) Gremlin Graphics (Sentient Software)1989labelimageminimize
Clive Barker's Nightbreed: The Action Game (The Night Breed;Night Moves) Ocean (Impact Software)1990labelimagesubject
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles) Ultra Games;Image Works (Unlimited Software)1990labelimageminimize
The Amazing Spider-Man Empire;Paragon Software (Oxford Digital Enterprises)1990labelimageminimize
Star Control Accolade (Random Access)1991labelimageminimize